Ok.. so actually you are almost 7 months old, but to be fair, you were closer to 6 months old when I started this post! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I'm not too good at this blogging thing. But now that we got that out of the way lets look at what you have been up to this month... and a half!
At the doctor, on July 18th, you weighed 14 lbs 1 oz and you were 25.5 inches long! Though you are small, the doctor was really impressed with how you are developing. She said you doing things that six month old babies are doing when you should only be doing that of a 4 month old. You've been a strong boy from the beginning, when you were one week old and weighed all of 3 lbs, you were turning your head back and forth in your incubator! Nothing you do will ever surprise us!
We have been really busy again this month, we have only been home one weekend since the first week in June. We have been to the lake multiple times and took a trip to Raleigh to meet Momma's best friends from college. We are at the Outer Banks right now with Daddy's family, I promise to write a post all about that when we get back!
There have been lots of changes this month. Since you have been sleeping so well at night, we decided to move you over to your crib in your nursery. You did a great job, it went WAY better than I ever thought it would! You will sleep between 6-8 hours before you wake up and then you will go back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. Momma also went back to work for teacher work days in June which means that you started to stay with Miss Amy. We are so lucky to have found Miss Amy's in-home daycare! You are one of five kiddos that she takes care of and you are the only boy. All of the little girls LOVE you! When we walk in in the morning, they all scream and call out "Jackon's here!!" The smaller two girls can't say your name yet, so they just call you "baby, baby." When I put you down, they all crowd around and touch your legs and feet, but first they ask Miss Amy if they can "pet" you! Its too cute!
Summertime means the start of volleyball for Momma and you have spent a lot of time in the gym with me this summer! You LOVE watching the girls play volleyball, and the girls LOVE you! You are the biggest flirt I have ever seen, all you do is smile at all of your girlfriends and you get passed around from girl to girl, you love the attention!
You have really progressed this month developmentally. You started rolling over all of a sudden, and now its all that you do. At first you went from your belly to your back, and within a week you were rolling from your back to your belly. You struggled for a while because your shoulder/arm would get stuck under your body. This week you have really progressed and you roll over with ease, I still haven't gotten a good video yet, but I will! You are also doing a great job with grabbing things with both hands and moving it from one hand to the other. You are also grabbing Momma's hair and pulling it from time to time, ouch!
Like father, like son |
Tummy time with Molly-dog, you love to watch her |
Sweet shades |
First Dash game |
First trip to the Reagan gym, getting ready for volleyball season |
Lake with Daddy and Momma |
Napping under the trees by the boat dock |
Dig This Volleyball Camp at Reagan |
You loveee Allie and Natalie |
Ball boy |
No more paci, all about sucking on my pointer finger now |
LOVE to swim in heated pools |
Big boy sleeping in your room |
Chewing on your finger |
On the way to Raleigh!

Raleigh with Momma's best friends! |
USA! USA! Cheering during the World Cup! |
Chillin' on the boat |
Happy Independence Day! |
Decided to poop the moment I took your picture with Nana |
Afternoon snooze with Daddy |
Happy Birthday Daddy!!! |
LOVE your baths |
Look how big you have gotten! That preemie outfit was big on you when you were one month old! |
Trying to roll over |
First jeep ride to the farmers market! |
You have the funniest facial expressions! |
Big stretch |
You boys love to sit around with your shirts off! |
Back in the gym! |
Momma's big helper |
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