Hi sweet son,
The last five days with you have been wonderful, we are so in love with you! On Friday, when we got home from the hospital, you had four very anxious people awaiting your arrival! Your grandparents had not met you until Friday because of the flu restrictions in the NICU. They were all so excited to finally see you and hold you! We are still limiting other visitors because you are still very small and your immune system is not very strong. We will let more people see you once cold and flu season is over with and its warmer outside. We can't wait to show you off, you are such a sweetheart!
Proud Mimi and Grandfather |
Nana and Papa taking pictures of you to show you off |
Great Grandma Stephenson and Nana looking at you |
Great-grandparents |
Four generations |
Papa and his favorites |
Jackson and Nana |
Your dog Molly is also getting to know you. We can tell she already loves you! She will lay down beside us when we hold you, and if you cry or get the hiccups she will go and check on you in your bassinet. I hope you guys will be best friends one day :)
Molly loves you already... excuse my lack of make up... |
A boy and his dog... |
We have been trying to keep to the same sleep/feed schedule that you had at the hospital. That means every three hours we are up feeding you. Its a little exhausting, and honestly, I'm still struggling with being able to fall asleep knowing that there is no one awake to watch you breath! Its getting a bit easier, but I don't think I have had a deep sleep since you came home. A typical feeding session kinda goes like this... I wake up at 11:30 pm to pump for 30 minutes, go downstairs to warm your bottle, back up stairs to change you and then feed you. By the time all that is done it is somewhere between 12:30-12:40. I then hold you for 20 to 30 mins to let your food digest. If we lay you down after you eat you will spit up and I don't want you to choke while we are all sleeping. So normally, by 1-1:30 I am back in bed ready to go back to sleep... only to get back up at 2:30 to start the process over again. I really don't get to sleep until 5am when daddy gets up for work and takes you. The only way I'm sleeping soundly is if I know someone is awake and watching you. Hopefully, as you get bigger and stronger I can breast feed you, but for right now its too exhausting for you. Once I don't have to pump and heat bottles in the middle of the night it will speed up the process. I'm not complaining about the lack of sleep (YET), I'm just so excited that you are home with us!
All swaddled up in your sleep sack like the one from the NICU, we have to keep you warm! |
First bath at home! 2/22 Thanks for my tub, Nicole! |
Nice warm towel after your bath! |
We went to your first doctor's appointment on Monday and your pediatrician said you are doing great! When we brought you home on Friday, you weighed 5 lbs even, on Monday, you weighed 5 lbs 6 oz! You have been such a good eater!
Thanks Uncle Tim and Aunt Liz for my cute outfit! |
6 oz in 3 days! |
We love you so much and we are so glad you are home with us! Today you are seven weeks old, I can't believe how fast the time has gone by, time has gone by even faster since you have been home! We love you sweet boy!